Resilience is the ability for individuals to move through serious challenges and not only survive, but THRIVE. We encourage resilience not only in each child, but also within each child’s caregiver; especially when approaching the subject of sexual harm of their children. Connection to community supports, positive role models, and opportunities to build problem solving skills and confidence are all part of fostering resilience.
I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become
-Carl Gustav Jung
When talking about the aspects of risk, we cannot forget to acknowledge the importance of the protective factors every parent and caregiver should be aware of. Thrive as well as the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) focus on fostering resilience through the Reaching In Reaching Out (RIRO) program. RIRO provides parents and caregivers access to information on what resilience is and how to promote confidence and positive relationships with their children through their “Road of Life” travel list.
Resilience helps people handle stress, overcome childhood disadvantage, bounce back from trauma and reach out to others and opportunities. Resilience is associated with better health and greater success in school, jobs and relationships. And skills that support resilience contribute to healthy child development.
-Reaching IN… Reaching OUT
HWDSB Partners in Prevention Resilience presentation
Looking for Community Supports in the Hamilton Area? Here are some places to start…