Request for Services
To request a referral to our Sexual Abuse Assessment and Treatment (SAAT) Program or our OASIS Program (specialized trauma counselling and supports for refugee and immigrant children and youth) please call Contact Hamilton at (905) 522-3304.
Thrive also offers a number of parent and caregiver educational support groups. For more information contact our Client Services Coordinator at (905) 523-1020 ext. 212.
Concerned about the Safety and Wellbeing of a Child?
If you are looking for assistance with reporting suspected child abuse, or have any child welfare protection concerns please call a Children’s Aid Society. We have two in Hamilton and their phone numbers are listed below. Remember, if you suspect that a child is at risk or is being abused, you have a legal responsibility to report your concerns to a Children’s Aid Society. If you’re not sure, call and consult with a counsellor there who will decide whether and what further actions are required. You may report anonymously if you wish.
Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton Telephone: 905-525-2012
Emergency After Hours Number: 905-522-8053
Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton Telephone: 905-522-1121
Emergency After Hours Number: 905-522-8053